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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Israeli Bulldozers Demolish House in Jerusalem, Efrat Settlement to Expand near Bethlehem

12.12.11 - 23:35


On Monday, Israeli bulldozers started demolishing a house belonging to a Palestinian citizen in Beit Hanina, north of Jerusalem, under the pretext that it had been built without an Israeli-issued permit.  

A home in the village of Beit Hanina, near Jerusalem, lies destroyed on Tuesday, December 6 (Lo Yuk Fai, PNN).

Eyewitnesses said that Israeli soldiers and police surrounded the area, imposed a tight cordon around the house, and demolished the house along with everything inside it, without allowing the family to take out any belongings.

Also on Monday, the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reported that Israeli authorities had approved 40 new settlement units in the illegal southern West Bank settlement bloc of Etzion, specifically in the settlement of Efrat. 

According to the newspaper, approval was granted for a new neighborhood and farm on the outskirts of Efrat, which would lead the settlement to exceeds its current limits and extend it northeast toward the city of Bethlehem, the refugee camp of Dheisheh, and the village of al-Khader. 

Israeli radio broadcasted on Monday that the Israeli government and settlers had reached an understanding to remove two out of ten buildings in the outpost of Ramat Gilad.

National Union MK Michael Ben-Ari called the decision a “surrender” to the left wing, and Peace Now director Yariv Oppenheimer called it “giving in” to the right-wing settlers and the disappearance of the two-state solution.

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