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Monday, August 8, 2011

'Zionists give false name to Judaism'

Mon May 16, 2011 4:26PM GMT

Interview with Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss from the Neturei Karta International group

In an interview with Press TV, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of the Neturei Karta International group says that Israel should be dismantled because it does not represent the true Jewish people.

Press TV: The Nakba and the 63rd anniversary of that, what does that mean to the Jewish people when you hear about the Nakba, in general?

Weiss: With the help of the Almighty, should bestow upon me His Wisdom and should be able to convey His Truth...Our rabbis always said that we do not want to hurt the feelings or belittle the terrible Nakba, the catastrophe what is to the Palestinian people.

But to us Jews it is even a greater Nakba being that Zionism and its development into the state of Israel is a transformation of Judaism the religion, subservience to the Almighty; what it meant for all the thousands of years, this covenant that we made with God, is a simple transformation from that into a base materialism, a nationalistic goal.

It was created a mere hundred odd years ago by people who detested the religion, Theodor Herzl and so forth. And what they're doing is they're uprooting the soul of the Jewish people from around the world.

It says in our Torah if you make one sin it is worse than if you kill him. And the Jews gave their lives for the religion.

And by the Second World War, by Hitler, many Jews, when they had the option of giving up their children to convents and things to be saved, said they'd rather prefer they die as a Jew than live their whole lives not knowing and transgressing the laws of the Torah.

I'd just like to explain, with God's help, the concept of Zionism - which is nationalism - routed in blasphemy, “God doesn't protect us; we have to have our own protection.”

But God foresaw these types of thinking and, therefore, put us under oath that we are from King Solomon, that we are not to rebel against any nation, we should be loyal citizens in every country we are residing in, we should not go back in masse to the Holy Land, and we should not make any attempt to end exile.

Therefore, the concept of a Jewish sovereignty is antithetical to Judaism, forbidden. Even one inch of Jewish sovereignty, even if it were to be uninhabited, it would be forbidden for Jews. Therefore, for thousands of years Jews were forbidden to make their homeland.

Press TV: So you're basically saying that it is against Judaism for Jewish people to have their own state?

Weiss: That, but it is much more important to remember that it is just one facet of the picture because they created their own state to gain legitimacy. They made it this national home in Palestine and claimed it in the name of Judaism. They used the Jewish name to claim that it's some Godly issue. They hijacked and kidnapped the name “Jews.”

And now, they've come upon a technical problem for the Palestinian people living there; they've banished them from their homes. All the atrocities and all the 60 years of this terrible Nakba, to us our hearts are rent, Jews in Palestine and around the world who are true to the Torah, our hearts are rent by the suffering of the people; ongoing, everyday a new tragedy.

Today, what we've witnessed, our hearts are rent and we mourn. To us it's a double Nakba, a triple Nakba, and we are frustrated because it's being done in our name. There are no words to describe this Nakba. We want, and we pray for a speedy and total peaceful dismantlement of the state, this impediment to peace.

Press TV: I think it's very significant in that the mass media, the main media - the Western media - portrays all the time that there's this automatic clash between Muslims and Jews, or Muslims and Christians; whereas, there are never any problems between the Muslims and the Jews but that this has come up since the creation of Zionism.

Weiss: We are all encompassed in this tragedy, this Nakba because the Jewish community, the Jewish people have been living in Muslim and Arab lands for hundreds of years prior to human rights groups trying to protect us.

We've had this distinct difference in how to serve God, and we've flourished as a very religious community amongst very religious Muslim and Christian communities - we're talking about in the Arab and Muslim lands!

We were not massacred. I'm not saying there were never any bumps in the road but we were able to exist and flourish. In fact, according to the Jewish religion, we are required to show our gratitude for a safe haven, for a home provided for us, especially by the Spanish inquisition and the Crusades; and by the Second World War, Jews ran to Turkey and other Muslim countries.

All the sudden, since the Zionists and this political movement came along, we say it is totally void of religion, they put on the façade of religion in order to gain legitimacy, in order to glean sympathy, and they vilify the victim, the Palestinian people. And they say [the Palestinians] are anti-Semitic.

They use the term anti-Semitic, that they hate the Jews. How repugnant when they were our hosts, gracious hosts and safe haven; they abuse it as if it's a religious conflict. People are alive today who attest to the fact that we've coexisted, we've baby-sat with our precious children and we've coexisted.

It's really crucial to know that the chief Rabbi of Palestine, and all the heads of the communities, pleaded with the United Nations in 1947, prior to the state's existence, (Rabbi reads from a piece of paper) that “we furthermore wish to express our definite opposition to a Jewish state in any part of Palestine.” This was the chief Rabbi of the Jewish community saying we don't want this so-called Jewish state.

But they've used this façade of religion vilifying the victim.

We must say that the Jewish people do have a yearning to return to the Holy Land as a people. The concept of Judaism is we believe that one day God will make a metaphysical and miraculous change for all humanity to embrace and go up and serve God. Not, God forbid, stealing the land, driving people from the land, when we all together serve God.

What Zionism has done is taken the victim, vilified them, and created in the world a perception of these good people - our neighbors, our friends - as, unfortunately, animals or whatever you call it.

Press TV: You've brought up something interesting when you were talking about Israel. For a lot of Westerners, if you were to ask them about Israel, usually they would say that it's a Jewish state. What would you say to that?

Weiss: We would say that it's the State of the Satan. There's no other terminology because it's illogical to understand how a political entity which was built on the heads and shoulders of three communities - the Muslims, Christians and Jewish communities who were living there for hundreds of years - didn't want that it should be implemented on their backs. It was created totally selfishly because the majority of people were Muslim.

It's an ongoing destruction of people, and ongoing river of blood of Muslim, Christian and Jewish, mind you.

We'd like to show you that the Jewish people that stand in solidarity, the Jewish community that lives there in Palestine that were living there for hundreds of years, stand up unarmed and demonstrate and they get brutally beaten. We have hundreds of thousands that stand up.

Press TV: This is in Palestine?

Weiss: We have, around the world, a Jewish community that's been practicing their religion for hundreds of years. We have here in Washington D.C., this religious community (Rabbi presents a pamphlet with gory pictures), invariably, the more religious the more anti-Zionist. You go to Jerusalem and you'll find the same thing in the very large communities.

Still in all, they have been successful in telling the world that we represent Judaism; and the people who don't want us is not because they are suffering, legitimately, but they are suffering because they're anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish; these are self-hating Jews.

They ridicule these large respectful communities that are giving their lives to Judaism and to serve God. Like I say, it is the works of Satan; it is not a Jewish state.

Unfortunately, within the generations you will find that the USSR could take millions and millions of people and liquidate them, and refuse to allow religion. They've existed in the United Nations. In South Africa, apartheid could exist and be considered a legitimate state and be respectable and people did business.

Press TV: So, you're putting them on the same level?

Weiss: We're saying it's a lot worse. They're uprooting the souls of Jews. The Palestinian people are suffering daily; the emotional, physical, psychological scars for life. It's millions and millions of people.

The Semites, of course, are being used against the Jewish people and we do believe that the Jewish people are from Semites, but that's abused; the concept of anti-Semitism.

We hope for a speedy and peaceful dismantlement of the state of Israel - the impediment of peace - so we can all serve God.


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