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Monday, August 8, 2011


The State of the Union

Israel is gearing up to celebrate its 63rd year of existence.

Palestine will be mourning the 63rd anniversary of its destruction.

Israeli sirens will sound in two months time in memory of those who perished in the Holocaust.

Palestine will be silent that day as no one mourns for their victims. It is illegal to even speak of these victims in Israel.

We are told that there never was a Palestine, that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, yet we see both of these nouns used in the press daily, both in the West and in Israel. What’s the deal on that?

We are told that ‘Israel made the desert bloom’….. by the sweat of whose brows? It was Palestinian labourers that did the tilling of the soil …. very often on lands stolen from their own family.

We are shown new settlements built to house ‘Jews Only’ residents, also the work of Palestinian labourers, also on the very lands stolen from their own family.

When the First Intifada broke out Israel was faced with a labour shortage due to closures and check points set up in the West Bank. The solution was to bring in foreign labourers. This plan backfired as these people began socialising with the Jewish population, often leading to romantic interludes which was cause for alarm in the racist rabbinical circles…… the solution was to deport them.

What was the zionist agenda on how to deal with the 3 Million (plus) Palestinians still living here? Deportation was not the solution, but rendering them homeless in an ongoing Nakba seemed more reasonable. We are witness to this on a daily basis both in Occupied East Jerusalem and in other localities. In Jerusalem we can see the latest moves in the following post from yesterday; THEY WANT TO DRIVE US TO THE SEA. In the Occupied West Bank we see a repetition of the following daily as well; 
On Monday, 31st January, 2011, representatives of the Israeli government, accompanied by a demolitions contractor and the police, arrived in El’Araqib. They pulled the residents out of their homes and demolished the village for the eleventh time. The rubble was put on trucks and carried away.
JNF (Jewish National Fund) bulldozers (D-9 Caterpillars) started to level the land to prepare for forest plantation.

When they had finished, the residents started rebuilding their huts.
The next day the same forces returned and demolished the village again.
The JNF bulldozers continued working until the rain forced them to stop.

That same day human rights activists demonstrated in front of JNF offices in Jerusalem. After most of the demonstrators had left, the police came and fined a protestor who was drumming during the demonstration, claiming that he had made too much noise. Written by Amos
Aside from the daily acts of terrorism aimed at the Palestinian population, the arrests of their children, the murder of their children, the arrests of activists against the situation, the murder of same, the siege of Gaza, the wall separating families and friends, I can go on and on but I think you get the idea …. Israel claims it is searching for a ‘Peace Partner’. Israel has conned the West into believing that they are serious about this …. but all of the above, the actual ziogeist, speaks for itself and shows otherwise.

Peace must not be looked at as a concept, it has to be a fact! Peace will not become a reality until we all recognise the FACT that we are all brothers from the same Father.

So there you have the State of the Union …. a pretty pathetic one to say the least.


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