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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Going through my archives I found the following, which is as timely today as the day it was originally posted…
After rereading the piece, I realised that not only is zionism toxic, it is a contagious disease. It is this very virus that we recently saw manifested in Norway, NOT by Jews themselves, but by so called ‘Christians’ that have fallen victim to the hatred and the lies spread by zionism.
Yes, the writing is on the wall as far as zionism is concerned, but no one seems to want to read it…
The writing on the wall…..

I have retitled the essay to emphasize the danger which is spreading…
It’s not only the bombs, the guns and the tear gas that is killing off an entire people, it’s zionism itself.
We constantly see and hear justifications for the Jewish ‘right’ to have a homeland …. but from whom and for whom?  The following video talks of zionism’s seven deadly sins …

The above is an indication that zionism is not only toxic, it is a form of insanity. If there was no Palestine as they claim, who have they been killing for the past 63 years? Who have they walled into ghettos reminiscent of the ones created by madmen of history? Who have they been expelling from their homes in Jerusalem and other major cities?
And just what is the secret hold these tyrants have over the rest of humanity, especially the West? Why is there silence when a Palestinian child is slaughtered? Why is there silence when an entire segment of the Palestinian people is slaughtered in Gaza? Why is there silence when a family is evicted from their home to make room for illegal squatters? Why is there silence when two people from one family are slaughtered by Israeli troops for demonstrating PEACEFULLY against their lands being stolen? Has it become a crime to speak out against injustice? If so, isn’t it time to SPEAK EVEN LOUDER?
The madwoman in the video above speaks of God promising the land to Abraham and his seed… Did she forget, or just not pay attention to the FACT that there was also a son named Ismael? Did the rest of the world forget that as well?
A message from non zionist Jewry can be seen in this video…. a message to the people of Palestine.
Palestinians must be reassured that there are many Jews including Israelis standing with them to rid the land of the toxic waste that surrounds us. Justice and Peace WILL prevail …We will not remain silent!


To say SORRY is not enough!

The above was reviewed and  featured at Rense.Com

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